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Decision-making & conjoint analysis software for non-profits

Collaborative and inclusive decision-making

Find out what matters and make fair and transparent decision using 1000minds, with as many stakeholders as you like.

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A ship’s steering wheel.

A trusted partner for the world’s most ambitious decision-makers

  • IAVI
  • American College of Rheumatology

1000minds applications

Effective decision-making by nonprofit organizations is based on engaging with their stakeholders in an inclusive and participatory way that is easily communicated. 1000minds is used in the nonprofit sector for a diverse range of worthwhile applications.

Inclusive processes to bring stakeholders along with you

  1. 1. Create Start with one of our examples, or build your own model from scratch.
  2. 2. Tailor Fine-tune and refine your model by following a simple step-by-step process.
  3. 3. Run Work as a single decision-maker, together as a group or survey as many people as you like.
  4. 4. Results Understand and apply your results using a variety of graphical and analytical tools.

An inclusive group having a conversation.


Make decisions for nonprofit organizations collaboratively

Nonprofit organizations often have many different stakeholders with wildly diverse objectives, and so decision-making in the nonprofit sector can be especially challenging. Fundamental to effective decision-making by nonprofits is engaging with decision-makers and other stakeholders in an inclusive and participatory way.

1000minds’ user-friendly processes for engaging with people and reaching consensus ensures all relevant stakeholders can be involved in making decisions collaboratively.

Pyramid layers in different combinations.


Prioritize alternatives or individuals in a consistent way that’s easily communicated

Examples of prioritization decision-making in the nonprofit sector include setting an organization’s strategic direction and picking worthy projects or individuals to support (e.g. for charities), as well as everyday organizational activities such as short-listing job candidates, procurement, etc. Prioritization involves selecting the order in which alternatives or individuals are chosen.

1000minds is used by nonprofits to ensure their prioritization processes are valid and reliable, and hence defensible and easily communicated to stakeholders.

Research prioritization success story

Floating coins.

Value for money

Allocate scarce resources more effectively to increase stakeholder buy-in

Just like businesses and government organizations, nonprofits are increasingly held to account by their stakeholders for the ‘quality’ of their spending, procurement and investment decisions and how well they allocate their resources.

1000minds helps nonprofits allocate resources in pursuit of high-quality spending or investments that maximizes their value for money. 1000minds’ user-friendliness and transparency ensure that nonprofit’s resource-allocation decisions are defensible and easily communicated, resulting in greater buy-in.


“I have used this several times now for health research applications. For the right question, this is a remarkably powerful and easy-to-use tool.”

– Brian Feldman

Conjoint analysis

Survey as many nonprofit stakeholders as desired, potentially 1000s

Conjoint analysis, sometimes referred to as a ‘discrete choice experiment’ (DCE) or ‘choice modeling’, is a survey-based methodology for eliciting how people feel about the characteristics of things of interest to nonprofit organizations, such as the services they provide (or perhaps government policies they have input to).

1000minds is a powerful and user-friendly tool for learning about people’s preferences to improve the design and delivery of nonprofit services.

Preferences research

Learn about people’s preferences, as individuals and in groups

1000minds provides three types of surveys. Creating, testing and distributing the surveys to potentially 1000s of participants is easy, as is interpreting the results.

A categorization survey collects people’s ratings of alternatives on pre-specified criteria or attributes. A preferences (or conjoint analysis) survey reveals the relative importance of the criteria or attributes. A 1000minds ranking survey (or ‘noise audit’) can be used to demonstrate the variability of people’s intuitive judgements – e.g. to illustrate the need for a better decision-making approach!

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